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The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.

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Conventional and Cosmetic Tattooing

Citrus County Health Department


Tattoo Establishment License: $200.00

Tattoo Artist License: $60.00

Guest Tattoo Artist Registration: $35.00

Prerequisite Permits(s)

Tattoo Establishment License requires a Biomedical Waste Generator Permit: $85.00

Effective January 1, 2012, the Florida Department of Health implemented sections 381.00771-381.00791, Florida Statutes, The Practice of Tattooing. These statutes require licensure of tattoo artists and tattoo establishments, and set forth educational requirements and standards of practice for conventional and cosmetic tattoo artists, and operational requirements for tattoo establishments.

To access additional resources, links to 64E- 28 F.A.C. and 381.00771-00791 F.S., applications and forms, please visit the Florida Department of Health's Tattooing webpage